Cannabis Retailers:

Add New Revenue Without Gaining
A Single New Customer

Or Spending A Single Dollar On Expensive Ads

We’ll generate revenue from campaigns, get first-time customers to revisit, and win back lost customers using our unique Retention Engine.

Stores that grow with us

have already seen a total of $1,276,144 since April 2024 
NEW revenue from our Revenue Recovery System.

Stores that grow with us

have already seen a total of $1,276,144 since April 2024 
NEW revenue from our Revenue Recovery System.

Competition Is Fierce

As the market spirals lower, stores compete on price and spend more and more on ineffective advertising on Weedmaps and event sponsorships. All of these platforms eventually increase their prices without increasing returns.

Your Messaging Is Ineffective And Inconsistent

You’re paying for a Alpine IQ or Springbig and for staff to operate it but they don’t know how.

Huge revenue is missed if customers aren’t getting messages weekly, or lost customers aren’t being incentivized to come back in.

You’re Spending Money On Ads With Zero Return

The cost to acquire a customer is only increasing and ad platforms have no guarantee on a return. 

Thousands of dollars are spent each month with poor data tracking, the prime billboards are taken, and event sponsorship cost has skyrocketed.

You’re Losing Customers To Competitors

Other stores have huge advertising budgets, lower prices, all the billboards, and piles of free swag.

Engage with your customers in a way that resonates or they’ll find another store that entices them to visit and become loyal elsewhere. 

Why Cannabis Retailers Choose Us
To Boost Revenue

Our Retention Engine combines our Alpine IQ, Springbig, and POS expertise with sales-driven design formats and behavioral science to drive higher marketing conversions so you can increase revenue from current customers without spending insane ad dollars to attract a single new customer.

Proven Revenue Boost

Our SMS & Email campaigns will generate revenue, increase retention, and win back lost customers using our unique Retention Engine.

A Dedicated Team of Experts

You get a team of savvy marketers, detailed designers, and data nerds all working together to increase messaging effectiveness, influence your customers, and drive them to purchase more.

No New Customers Needed

Imagine increasing revenue without a single new customer. Your current customers are a goldmine. Let’s dive deep and extract that revenue.

We Will Take You There

Just like how we took these stores to new heights with our Retention Engine.

That’s how much revenue we generated through our campaigns in 2023 for just ONE STORE in Southwest Michigan. 

In a city with 30 competitor dispensaries, here’s how much revenue we generated for a small store with less than $150,000 in monthly sales.

For this store we generated over 20% of their monthly revenue through our campaigns.

Working with us, this store generated massive revenue from our campaigns in Alpine IQ.

In July $235,735 of lost revenue was recovered for our clients.

Over 40% of Recovered Customers repurchased 2+ times and continue to come back again and again.

On 4/20 our stores had 98.2% SMS deliverability which led to over $92,943 of revenue.

Do you want to keep letting revenue slip away?
Let’s start getting results out of your Alpine IQ or Springbig accounts.

We manage everything


First, we focus on methods to get customers that only visited once to come back in again. 

20-40% of a store’s customers only visit once. That’s huge revenue loss from repeat purchases.


Second, we send out weekly messages to push sales and stay top of mind to your customers. 

Every week customers have a choice to visit your store or local your competitors.


Finally, we target customers that have not shopped at your store in over 90 days and we get them to return and keep returning. 

40% of the customers we win back come back 2+ times.

What's included

Full Alpine IQ & Springbig Growth

Our system is guaranteed to produce results and we’ve had success with every store we manage.

Steve Riparip

Founder & CEO

With over five years of helping retailers, brands, and processors fine tune their businesses—from brand development and packaging supply, to operations improvement and technology setup, I’ve developed a passion for improving the customer experience at the retail level.

Retailers have an incredible opportunity to influence the market and educate customers, but they can’t do it on slim budgets. I’m on a mission to make the cannabis industry more profitable.


We can get the best results for stores that average over $300,000/mo in revenue, but we have service options for stores with less than $200,000/mo average revenue and newer stores under $100,000/mo.

The first campaign we send out will generate revenue. After we gather campaign and customer data we optimize the messages and designs to improve results.

We work with your retail team to incentivize new customers to opt-in for messaging so you can grow your list. As soon as customers sign up, we begin messaging them and introduce them to your brand and begin the process to keep them a loyal customer.

No worries! We’ll help you launch an enticing loyalty program and help you pick the most cost-effective plans with either platform. Then we’ll show you the best ways to build your customer opt-in list so we can start extracting revenue from them.

We work directly with retail marketing teams to sync promotional calendars and coordinate messaging. Our team handles all the management on the platform so your marketing team can focus on website, social media, and all the other fun stuff.